Monday, August 24, 2009

Steve Jobs's new trick: the Apple tablet

Apple - is reportedly just about to launch a tablet computer – small enough to carry in a handbag or briefcase but big enough to comfortably surf the web, read newspapers and watch films. It could be Apple's latest billion-dollar jackpot.

This article mentions some of Apples strengths - in summary you should realise that

1) Apples very loyal Customer base actually generates word of mouth promotion for new apple products
Feverish speculation all over the internet, gadget shoppers nearing mass hysteria and pundits predicting our lives will never be the same. It must mean that an Apple product launch is on the way.

2) Customers (employees too?) are strongly supportive of the charismatic leadership style of Apple CEO Steve Jobs
“Apple product launches are celebrated rituals where the talismanic Jobs, in black sweater and jeans, stands on a stage in San Francisco and unveils the company's latest innovation, cheered by adulatory crowds with near religious fervour. The Californian giant has sold more 200 million iPods since their launch in 2001.

3a) Apples strong customer base allows it to set a Premium Pricing Strategy for the Tablet (or any other new product).
Gene Munster, a technology research analyst estimated that an Apple tablet, with an onscreen keyboard like the iPhone, would cost around $600 (£363), putting it between the highest-end iPod Touch at $399 and the MacBook, which starts at $999. At $600, Munster calculated that sales of 2 million tablets could add $1.2bn (£727m) to Apple's sales next year.
3b) This pricing strategy allows Apple to increase sales revenues even at a time when its laptops may be in the the maturity stage of their product life cycle
Sales of Apple laptops are stalling as they face competition from netbooks, the smaller and lighter laptops that have proved popular among students. Rival companies have also introduced tablets but lack the hype that guarantees Apple mountains of free publicity

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